Thursday, March 5, 2020

English Conditionals Second Conditional with Beyoncé

English Conditionals Second Conditional with Beyoncé When learning English you need to eventually practice the conditionals. In English there are three conditionals. We call these the Frist Conditional (for general truths and real situations in present and future), the Second Conditional (For unreal or imaginary situations in present or future) and the Third Conditional (for unreal or imaginary situations in past, these are usually the opposite of the truth).Today this English lesson is about the second conditional for unreal or imaginary situations. There are two clauses (parts) to a conditional phrase.If ClauseThis is the IF clause or part of the sentence. We form this clause with IF + subject (I, you, we) + past simple/past continuous. If I won the lottery. (remember the verb is in the past but doesnt signify the past, we put the verb in past to indicate the tone of an imaginary situation.)Would Clause-This is the would clause or part of the sentence. We form this clause with Subject + would + verb present simple (infinitive). I wou ld buy a new car.Examples: If I won the lottery I would buy a new car.If I had a dog I would take it for a walk every day.If I were you I wouldnt wake Paul up, he is really grumpy in the mornings.If I smelled fire I would leave the building.These are all imaginary situations that are in the present or future. Notice in number three we use were, instead of was; this indicates advice being given.Now watch the video! Listen for the second conditionals. How many can you write down? If I were a boy Id _______out of bed in the morning and go.If I were a boy _______ drink beer with the boys.If I were a boy Id ______I could understand. (Note: could is the participle hear.)If I were a boy, I swear to you, I would ______ a better man.______ listen to her.If I were a boy Id ______off my phone.____put myself first.They say five words at the beginning of the video. Are these English Nouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, or Verbs? What are their suffixes?Writing Exercise:There are many movies about switchi ng places and being able to experience being the opposite gender for a day or two. What would you do if you were the opposite sex?Got questions? Email us or ask them in comments below. Sign up for our English classes. Inscribéte para nuestros cursos de inglés.If you found this lesson helpful, feel free to share it on Facebook and Twitter.

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